Profile npm packages
What to do if webpack runs very slooooooooooooowly?
I will look here on how to profile slow node scripts using VSCode and Google Chrome. I wrote a post on how to debug packages using VSCode that might be read in here:
Find how your script is called using node
The “bin” section of the “package.json” contains the file that gets called from the command line:
Launch the node’s inspector
From inside your project, identify you library in your node_modules folder and launch the following command:
node --inspect .\node_modules\@ionic\app-scripts\bin\ionic-app-scripts.js serve
Profile with Chrome
Open Chrome at “chrome://inspect” and click on the “inspect” link
Start recording:
See the results
The main culprit here seems to be a webpack plugin called “RemoveParentModulesPlugin”:
During compilation, around 70 seconds are spent running it.
Of which 16 seconds within a single loop.
Profiling node scripts can help identify bottlenecks and might be an essential tool in order to solve the performance issues that might affect your dependencies